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Lost and Learning

About this series

      As teenagers, we have the unique opportunity of looking forward to the rest of our lives while still experiencing the captivation of everyday wonders. We're trying to differentiate between who we are and who everyone else wants us to be, navigating the world around us, but at the same time being told to stay within our limits. There’s a sense of misplacement and wonder, a lack of fulfillment with the tease of freedom that awaits, this void inside each of us that we try to fill with friends and nature and our own idea of love. This loneliness, feeling like we’re on our own in this journey as we try desperately to answer the big questions.

We tend to isolate our challenges and share our joy. We’re unified in the sense that we’re all teenagers trying to live our best life while we can; yet we’re segregated in the sense that we feel this need for independence, like we’re the only one struggling in the same way that generations before and after us have and will continue to.

    It’s just another part of this paradoxical world; we fill that void, that loneliness with friends and parties and teenage love. Convivial by day, dismal by night. This series explores that paradox, while romanticizing the youth that forms each character of society, the youth that is constantly looked back upon and longed for. The youth spirit that hides within every person, both old and young.





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